Half-day, Online Coaching Intensive

Are you feeling a bit stuck with how to create success as a speaker? It could be that you’ve been asked to speak and the fear has set in already! Perhaps you’re just getting started and you’re feeling overwhelmed with the task of creating your talk. Maybe you’re fed-up speaking for free and struggling to create regular, paid speaking work… ...or maybe you know that speaking is a great way to sell your courses and coaching but you feel uncertain about exactly what you need to do to create a profitable seminar that delights your audience. If you’re in need of a boost to accelerate your success as a speaker, then a half-day intensive is the perfect option for you.  


During our 3-hour session we can work on ONE or TWO of the following: 

Overcoming fear of speaking so that you can stride out on stage with confidence

Developing your scintillating signature keynote or seminar talk 

Speaker business strategy for creating gigs, clients and opportunities 

Sales technique so you can create your £2k, £5k or £10k day from your seminar  


How it Works...

First, you will enjoy a complimentary speaker superstar strategy session (£300 value) so we can assess exactly where you’re at in your speaker journey. Then, if it’s a good fit and we agree to work together, you will receive your coaching agreement and payment instructions from me. Following this, you will receive a valuable deep-dive welcome packet featuring questions that will give you clarity, insight and direction on your speaker journey, as well as helping me get to know you. I recommend you create an intentional time to complete this with a coffee or glass of wine, light your candles, switch off your phone and clear your schedule. This is a good excuse to make time for YOU!  

Upon completion, you will then receive your online, 3-hour coaching intensive with me, in which we’ll work on one or two of your specific goals as a speaker. You will leave our session feeling lighter, excited, confident and motivated, and you will be equipped with the knowledge and support to create success. You will be provided with an audio recording of your session free of charge. One month later, will will have a follow-up accountability session so that I can check your progress and answer any questions you may have. 

What my Clients Say...

"I now feel incredibly confident with my go-to talk. Within 3 hours I went from being completely terrified by the idea of speaking on stage, to being excited to share a story that I know needs to be told, microphone in hand and all!"

-Cara Rice, Master NLP Practitioner and Success Coach

"In just three hours she has helped me understand more about myself, my message, my audience and the speaking industry than I have managed to piece together alone in the last year. In addition, she has expertly enabled me to piece together everything I need to craft my signature keynote talk.  

I am beyond grateful for what just happened and am completely buzzing right now.  

Lauren thank you for helping me raise my game and see exactly what it is I have to give and how to put it together. Really looking forward to our next session to work on delivery and more."

-Tanya Slater, Miniimalism Coach

"I walked up on stage full of confidence. After the event the organizer approached me and said 'I have to have you speak again,'"

- Courtney Cope, Boundaries Coach

Next Steps...

Complete a quick application and schedule your complimentary 30-minute speaker strategy session with me!

NB. If you'd like to discuss coaching with me on a subject besides speaking, please indicate your request on your application.

Apply Now


The investment for your 3 hour intensive is £1500

Payment plan available. Please ensure you've had a complimentary speaker strategy session with me before you pay. This is so I can get to know you and guide you towards the best option for your needs. If you haven't had a session yet apply and schedule it here.